My father established A Glasco in 1992, and like many he started working out of his home. As a working father of three, he would often take us out in his little Toyota pickup to fix broken windows. I officially started working with him when I was 16 years old, cleaning glass, sweeping floors, helping customers, etc. Through the years of working at A Glasco, I have learned a lot about the glass industry, the importance of relationships, education, training, and finding good team members. As I continued to work with my father while attending school he would take me to San Diego Glass Association events. I would sit and listen to the members discuss the issues they were facing, crack jokes, and just be together. My goal is to unite the glass and glazing industry in California. To hear the issues we’re facing today, to work together to find solutions; to educate, train, and assist persons in the glazing industry. I look forward to working with all of you to better our industry.
Fun Facts: I am an avid hiker and backpacker. My husband and I met hiking. We have successfully ascended Mount Whitney six times and once with our (at the time) 4 year old son.
Adam Posik Vice President
Pacific Coast Glazing was initially started by my wife, Elizabeth and myself in 2003 as a way to generate additional income for our new family. Fast forward to 2010, Elizabeth and myself, purchased a local San Diego based glazing contractor I had been working for since 2001.
With a name change and simultaneous incorporation, Pacific Coast Glazing, Inc. was born and hit the ground running with the previously established contacts of the former company. Albeit we got underway in a slow economy, PCG had contracts in place and secured enough moving forward to grow nearly 500% over the next 12 years.
I started in the industry at 19 as means to generate income and transitioned to being a business owner in the industry at 30 because it became my passion.
In what spare time I can muster up, I enjoy the struggle to improve at golf, fishing, spending time anywhere with the family (Daughter Rio, Son Robby, Wife Elizabeth) and as of the last few years jogging, which has been great with clearing the mind of clutter that tends to build up throughout the week.
With, gulp, nearly 30 years in the business I can honestly say I have more passion than ever about our industry and the desire to learn more is only growing. We need to bring our industry together to overcome numerous obstacles that we as companies are continuously facing, and work on growing our industry so the next generations can have a solid foundation to continue from.
Nathan Seaman Secretary and Treasurer
I eat, sleep, and breathe sunshades! Starting out my career in the industry as a welder and fabricator of sunshades, my passion and understanding for the "nuts and Bolts" behind the design was formed. Since 2011 I have moved through various roles in the industry absorbing all it has to offer. I now use my passion for creating beautiful and functional sun control to support architects and glaziers with education, design assistance, sales, and support.
Something that I love about the glazing industry is the comradery between companies and individuals in the industry. Everyone knows each other, they respect each other, and whenever possible they work together.
As I traveled the country attending various local glass association meetings I was confronted with the lack of an inclusive association in my home state. I am so excited to be part of the founding of the California Glass Association and am looking forward to providing opportunities for local glass companies and their employees to learn, network, grow their business, and have fun.
Fun Facts: When I am not peddling sunshades to glaziers I enjoy spending every moment possible with my wife and two daughters, volunteering in my local church, or working on one of my classic cars (current project is a 1948 Willys Jeep).